Can You Relate?

  • Do you experience mental and emotional stress that significantly impacts your health and/or life yet you can't seem to get a handle on it?

  • Do you put pressure on yourself, fall into patterns of perfectionism or people pleasing, and have beliefs that you are not enough?

  • Are you aware of the stress-pain-illness connection yet are feeling stuck in addressing this aspect of healing?

  • Do you have a desire to connect with your inner wisdom but don't know where to begin?

Our Neurology Becomes Our Biology!


It took me many years of immense suffering and spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on fancy, bio-chemical only based treatment protocols to understand and embrace the importance of mindset within the healing journey. 

Bottom line, deep healing will not happen from a space of stress-based thinking, destructive behavioral patterns, and unresolved trauma. 

That said, I understand how immensely difficult it is to address this aspect of healing. This is especially true when one experiences a lack of understanding within the conventional medical community and lack of support from friends and family.  

The way I see it, it is easy to run labs, take supplements, do detox protocols, etc. Cultivating a healing mindset and letting go of patterns that no longer serve us, however, can often be an impossible and overwhelming task. Many people, myself included at one time, do not know where to begin with this aspect of healing.

Mind Influences Body, Body Influences Mind

Research in the field of psycho-neuro-immunology (YES! this is a real word and area of study!), which is the study of how mental and emotional states impact the body’s physiology, has confirmed that repressed, painful emotions and habitual, stressful thought patterns activate a chronic stress response.  

This protection mechanism, commonly known as fight or flight is for short-term, emergency use only.  

Chronic activation of the stress response is directly and measurably linked to a weak immune response, inflammation, musculoskeletal tension, anxiety, depression, impaired higher cognitive function, and ultimately symptoms, illness, and dis-ease.


The trouble is, without the right mindset and outlet to release the energy of trapped, negative emotions, bio-chemical interventions ALONE are often ineffective in helping us to create sustainable wellness. I am living proof of this as I did not begin to truly heal until I made the mind-body connection a top priority in my healing journey. I am now such a strong proponent of the mind-body connection that I have made it a fundamental component of the work we do with clients.  

Most of my clients work with me in a comprehensive format that combines Functional Health Mentoring, NES Bio-Energetix, Mind-Body Coaching, and more recently Emotion Code Sessions. I also, however, have clients that choose to work with a Functional Medical Doctor and then work with me solely on the mind-body aspect. For this reason, I offer Mind-Body, Transformational Coaching and Emotion Code only services.

Creating Sustainable Wellness Starts With Our Mental & Emotional States!

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This coaching approach incorporates the following:

  • Neuro-Scientific Principles (Neurosculpting®)

  • Anamsong® Mind-Body Coaching

  • NES Health Bio-Energetix

  • Wellness and Habit-Change Coaching (WellCoach® Model), Which Incorporates:

    • Appreciate Inquiry, Motivational Interviewing, Trans-theoretical Model of Change, Non-Violent Communication, Positive Psychology, and more!

  • Transformational Coaching (Based on the Jack Canfield Success Principles Model)

  • Various Counseling Techniques from my MSc in Counseling and Psychology

To teach clients how to:

  • Connect with the wisdom of the body

  • Access emotions and interpret the messages within

  • Cultivate awareness of and break free from subconscious thought & behavioral patterns that can create physical health challenges, emotional pain, and personal success blocks; thus trigger triggering a chronic stress response and various life challenges.

  • Make peace with your inner critic.

  • Organize and take control of your mind versus having it control you

  • Tune in to one’s intuition as a source of inner wisdom

  • And much more!

These tools will help to calm the nervous system, so the body’s natural and regenerative healing abilities come back online.  This approach can help bring the mind, body, and spirit back into balance so that you can relax, experience greater joy and fall back in love with yourself – and your life!

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